

Unleash Your Inner Gamer with the ALIEN-88 Keyboard: The Ultimate Weapon for Gaming


The ALIEN 88   

Introducing the ALIEN 88 keyboard, designed for gamers. This homebrewed keyboard project will revolutionize the gaming experience with its sleek and futuristic design, as well as its innovative features. The ALIEN 88 will be the ultimate tool for taking your gaming skills to the next level. The development project is currently in the closed beta phase, so stay tuned for more updates. The ALIEN 88 keyboard will transform your gaming experience and become the ultimate weapon for enhancing your gaming skills.

ALIEN-88 Mechanical keyboard


  • Stylish and sophisticated TKL Mechanical Keyboard designed for gamers
  • Slim and compact design perfect for any gaming setup
  • N-key rollover and anti-ghosting technology for accurate keystroke registration
  • Hot-swappable low-profile key switches for easy customization
  • Utility keys on both sides of the device for quick access to shortcuts and macros
  • Colorful LED lighting for a unique touch
  • Improved thumb key layout for a comfortable typing experience
  • Programmable wheel knob for easy volume adjustment and other customizable operations
  • All keys are fully reassignable
  • Customizable keymap supports up to 10 layers for maximum efficiency during gameplay
  • Stable and fast USB wired interface for reliable connectivity

We're excited to announce the upcoming release of the ALIEN 88, a game-changing keyboard designed for serious gamers. With its cutting-edge features and sleek design, this homebrewed keyboard project is poised to take the gaming world by storm. While we can't yet provide a release date, we invite you to stay tuned for updates and give us your feedback. We're eager to hear from passionate gamers like you as we prepare to unleash the ALIEN 88 upon the world. Get ready to experience gaming like never before!




うまく利用すると マルチタスクで作業している時にデスクトップをスッキリ整理できて便利です。

ただ [Win]+[Ctrl]+[→] を同時に押すことを頻繁にするのはちょっと面倒です。
どうしても目をキーボードに向けて キーを一つづつ押さえる動作が必要になってしまいます。カーソルキー自体が存在しないキーボードの場合、さらにFnキーの組み合わせが必要になったりしてとても大変です。

そんな時、自作キーボードなら  複数キーの組み合わせを一つのキー押下にまとめてしまうことが簡単にできしまうんです。という話の記事です。



私の場合、そんな機能を利用して [Space]+[,] もしくは [Space]+[.] の組み合わせで 仮想デスクトップの切り替えられるような割り当を行っています。



